Mapúa Malayan Colleges Laguna

Advisory on the Enrollment of Current MCL Senior High School Students for the Second Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

The Second Semester of S.Y. 2020-2021 for MCL Senior High School will start on January 20, 2021. This advisory is being issued to refresh the students and parents about the conduct of enrollment and to address several academic concerns of the SHS.

One-Time Enrollment for the Grade Level

  • In compliance with the 2010 Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education Section 117 and 119, students are presumed enrolled for the entire school year.
  • Second Semester Enrollment is deemed accomplished after the following clearances:


Finance Office

Registrar’s Office

Senior High School
Payment of matriculation fees
as scheduled and based on the chosen
payment option/scheme on or before
January 18, 2021 (3:00 PM).

For the list of payment
channels, please check
this page.
Grade 11:
Submission of admission and
new student enrollment requirements(for Grade 11)

Grade 12:
Form 137 or the Permanent Student Record from the previous junior high school.
1. Submission of the Online Registration Form for the Second
Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021.

2. Passing grades in all courses for the First Semester.

For students with academic deficiencies, academic and
enrollment advising is required via
e-mail through the SHS Cluster Coordinators.
Telephone Numbers:
(049) 832-4000
Locals: 1111-1112

Mobile Numbers:

[email protected]
Telephone Numbers:
(049) 832-4000
Local: 1119

Mobile Number:

[email protected]

Copy furnish:
[email protected]
Telephone Numbers:
(049) 832-4000
Local: 1411

Mobile Number:

E-mail the Cluster Coordinators:
E-mail Directory

Copy furnish:
[email protected]

Academic Advising:

  • Students who incurred failing grades in the First Semester are required to seek academic and enrollment advising through the Cluster Coordinators via e-mail.
  • Students with academic deficiencies will be allowed take the courses for the Second Semester provided that courses with failing grades during the First Semester are enrolled for remediation.

Work Immersion Program for Grade 12:

  • Due to existing quarantine restrictions being implemented by the Government, the work immersion program for the Grade 12 students will be activity-based and fully online. A module will be deployed and implemented for the course.